Libraries tagged by theses


6 Favers

Symfony is a complete framework designed to optimize the development of web applications by way of several key features. For starters, it separates a web application's business rules, server logic, and presentation views. It contains numerous tools and classes aimed at shortening the development time of a complex web application. Additionally, it automates common tasks so that the developer can focus entirely on the specifics of an application. The end result of these advantages means there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new web application is built!

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10 Favers

A Module that allows users to create custom data lists. These lists can then be used in a form control (specified via code by a developer) or within a user defined form to be able to define controlled vocabularies managed in a central location that might be used across several forms.

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1 Favers

The Standards Enums package provides a simple and consistent way to work with countries, languages, currencies, and locales using enums.Each Enum comes with methods for accessing related information, like the name, flag, description, and more.Additionally, helper methods are provided to easily get all possible values or sort them by their name in a given language.These methods can be used with all Enum classes, regardless of whether they represent languages, countries, currencies, or locales.

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18 Favers

Carbon tracker aims to raise awareness of the carbon emissions created by webpages, by displaying these insights along side the content in Craft's control panel.

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1 Favers

This repository is dedicated to housing an extensive collection of UI end-to-end tests, meticulously crafted using Cypress for Spryker applications. These tests are designed to thoroughly evaluate the user interface, ensuring that all interactions and visual elements function as intended in real-world scenarios. By leveraging Cypress's advanced browser automation capabilities, this suite provides an efficient and effective means of validating the user experience, confirming the seamless operation and aesthetic integrity of Spryker's front-end components. Our commitment to rigorous UI testing helps maintain the high standard of quality and reliability that Spryker users expect.

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3 Favers

The Yii2 extension to log site requests and draw charts of these requests progress by calendar dates.

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3 Favers

VisualizerTask creates buildfile maps, these diagrams display calls and depends among targets.

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0 Favers

Welcome to the Svix API documentation! Useful links: [Homepage]( | [Support email](mailto:[email protected]) | [Blog]( | [Slack Community]( # Introduction This is the reference documentation and schemas for the [Svix webhook service]( API. For tutorials and other documentation please refer to [the documentation]( ## Main concepts In Svix you have four important entities you will be interacting with: - `messages`: these are the webhooks being sent. They can have contents and a few other properties. - `application`: this is where `messages` are sent to. Usually you want to create one application for each user on your platform. - `endpoint`: endpoints are the URLs messages will be sent to. Each application can have multiple `endpoints` and each message sent to that application will be sent to all of them (unless they are not subscribed to the sent event type). - `event-type`: event types are identifiers denoting the type of the message being sent. Event types are primarily used to decide which events are sent to which endpoint. ## Authentication Get your authentication token (`AUTH_TOKEN`) from the [Svix dashboard]( and use it as part of the `Authorization` header as such: `Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}`. For more information on authentication, please refer to the [authentication token docs]( ## Code samples The code samples assume you already have the respective libraries installed and you know how to use them. For the latest information on how to do that, please refer to [the documentation]( ## Idempotency Svix supports [idempotency]( for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. This is useful when an API call is disrupted in transit and you do not receive a response. To perform an idempotent request, pass the idempotency key in the `Idempotency-Key` header to the request. The idempotency key should be a unique value generated by the client. You can create the key in however way you like, though we suggest using UUID v4, or any other string with enough entropy to avoid collisions. Svix's idempotency works by saving the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key for any successful request. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result. Please note that idempotency is only supported for `POST` requests. ## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with [W3C spec]( And that allows cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.

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9 Favers

# Introduction Welcome to the Passbase Verifications API docs. This documentation will help you understand our models and the Verification API with its endpoints. Based on this you can build your own system (i.e. verification) and hook it up to Passbase. In case of feedback or questions you can reach us under this email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). A User submits a video selfie and valid identifying __Resources__ during a __Verification__ guided by the Passbase client-side integration. Once all the necessary __Resources__ are submitted, __Data points__ are extracted, digitized, and authenticated. These Data points then becomes part of the User's __Identity__. The User then consents to share __Resources__ and/or __Data points__ from their Identity with you. This information is passed to you and can be used to make decisions about a User (e.g. activate account). This table below explains our terminology further. | Term | Description | |-----------------------------------------|-------------| | [Identity](#tag/identity_model) | A set of Data points and Resources related to and owned by one single User. This data can be accessed by you through a Verification. | | Data points | Any data about a User extracted from a Resource (E.g. Passport Number, or Age). | | [Resource](#tag/resource_model) | A source document used to generate the Data points for a User (E.g. Passport). | | [User](#tag/user_model) | The owner of an email address associated with an Identity. | | Verification | A transaction through which a User consents to share Data points with you. If the Data points you request are not already available in the User's Identity, the Passbase client will ask the User to submit the necessary Resource required to extract them. | | Re-authentication (login) | A transaction through which a User can certify the ownership of Personal data previously shared through an Authentication. | # Authentication There are two forms of authentication for the API: • API Key • Bearer JWT Token

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1 Favers

These checks are where you can check if optimizer is installed on your server.

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0 Favers

These are three rector rules to convert private method name, to convert local variable name to camel case and to replace double quotes with single quotes in string literals.

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39 Favers

A fancy tool to use SQL in PHP with ease

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3 Favers

Adds a Glossary section to CMS admin where glossary terms can be defined. These terms can then be added to content via the WYSIWYG and the definitions will be rendered as interactive rollovers within webpage content.

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9 Favers

A module for development/staging systems that capture email within the repository instead of actually sending to a user. These emails can then be browsed within the CMS.

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2 Favers

Basic repo with all HTTP codes, methods and headers as native PHP lacks these simple consts.

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