Libraries tagged by out of date


0 Favers

A data access object framework, with PDO support out of the box

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1 Favers

A PHP Class to help extract text out of documents that are not structured in a processing friendly manner

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1 Favers

The CacheSystemBundle allow to store informations files into the application cache directory and automatically manage the out of date values

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3 Favers

filter data out of xml documents

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0 Favers

This is a library to make getting data out of a CraftCMS ( easy from a Laravel App.

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2 Favers

Sugar for getting data out of strings in PHP.

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0 Favers

A helper library for retrieving and writing data in/out of AWS DynamoDB

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0 Favers

Implementation of repository pattern for Laravel. The package allows out-of-the-box filtering of data based on parameters in the request, and also allows you to quickly integrate the list filters and custom criteria.

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0 Favers

This library provides a means to do large batch processing when unix cron jobs aren't necessarily available. This is useful when you need to process a large amount of data, or carry out a time consuming task, where cron isn't available, such as on low tiered shared hosting.

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3 Favers

LaraGrid is a powerful and customizable grid system package for Laravel. It provides an easy way to create sortable, filterable tables with pagination. The package is designed to be highly customizable, allowing developers to define columns, apply filters, and sort data with ease.Key Features:- **Column Definition**: LaraGrid allows you to define the columns that will be displayed in the grid. You can specify the model field and the label for each column.- **Filters**: The package provides several filter classes out of the box, including text, select, date, and boolean filters. These filters can be applied to the columns to filter the grid's data based on user input.- **Sorting**: LaraGrid supports sorting of data based on any column. It also provides support for sorting data based on a related model's field using PowerJoins.- **Pagination**: The package integrates with Laravel's pagination system, allowing you to easily paginate the data in the grid.- **Customizable Appearance**: LaraGrid allows you to customize the appearance of the grid by extending the `BaseLaraGridTheme` class and setting the desired CSS classes.- **Livewire Integration**: LaraGrid is built with Livewire, a full-stack framework for Laravel that makes building dynamic interfaces simple, without leaving the comfort of Laravel.The package is currently in development and is not ready for use in production. It requires PHP 8.1 or higher and Laravel 10.0 or higher.

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0 Favers

A small class for working out the start and end dates of a two week period when given a date

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0 Favers

Simple Analytics is a clean, simple, and privacy friendly analytics tool. Actionable data in a beautiful dashboard. It does not use cookies and you can bypass ad blockers. Make sure to signup to get most value out of this plugin.

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0 Favers

Our new API allows partners to build significantly better integrations with the EKM platform. To try out the below endpoints, or for full up to date representations of the request / response models, please see the [swagger page]( (We display examples here, but the swagger page is guaranteed to show the complete model.) To keep up to date with the latest updates, please see our [RSS feed]( or the [partner dashboard](

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0 Favers

Consent Manager is a GDPR / CCPA consent management solution (SaaS, Software as a Service). In simple words a “cookie banner”. This tool allows to ask website visitors for consent and/or enable opt-out from data processing, cookies, sale of personal information and so on. This helps our clients to fulfil their legal requirements under GDPR, CCPA and other legislations.

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0 Favers

## Introduction This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to integrate and leverage our Product Configurator Service in your applications. ## Quick Start Get up and running in no time! Follow these steps to kickstart your integration: 1. **Authentication:** Obtain your integration JWT to authenticate your requests. 2. **Client Libraries:** Explore our GitHub repositories to grab client libraries in your preferred programming language. 3. **API Overview:** Familiarize yourself with our RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification. ## Integration ### API Overview Our RESTful API is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of Product Configurator. Check out the detailed [API Reference](/docs/category/configurator) for a granular understanding of each endpoint and request/response format. ### Client Libraries To expedite your integration process, we provide client libraries for various programming languages. Find the one that suits your stack in our [GitHub repositories]( ### Authentication Security is paramount. Learn how to authenticate your requests using JWT. This ensures a secure and reliable connection between your application and Product Configurator. ## Configuration Management ### Configurator Lifecycle Understand the lifecycle of configurators, from draft to active and deleted. This flexibility allows you to manage configurations at your own pace. ### Steps and Options Configure product steps with ease and define options effortlessly. Explore the power of dependencies to create dynamic and intuitive configurations. ### Matrices Delve into matrices—your secret weapon. Explore price and weight matrices, and learn how configured steps influence properties and pricing. ### Price Management Unleash dynamic pricing with our versatile price matrices. From fixed prices to incremental structures, adapt to diverse pricing models effortlessly. ## Security Your data is in safe hands. Discover how Product Configurator ensures security through JWT authentication, safeguarding your sensitive information. ## Backward Compatibility Stay ahead of the curve. Learn about our versioning strategy, providing backward compatibility while allowing our service to evolve seamlessly. ## Developer Support Have questions? Need assistance? Write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will get back to you.

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