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0 Favers

Extends the l10nmgr for Gridelements Individual FlexForm configuration. Now you can Translate Every Gridelemnts Field from Input-Text to tt_content.

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0 Favers

Cakephp Less CSS compiler (forked from cakephp/less because of leafo/lessphp doesn't compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Now oyejorge/less.php is being used instead)

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1 Favers

The SDK allows you to receive and send messages through your WhatsApp account. [Sign up now]( The Chat API is based on the WhatsApp WEB protocol and excludes the ban both when using libraries from mgp25 and the like. Despite this, your account can be banned by anti-spam system WhatsApp after several clicking the "block" button.

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1 Favers

Just a simple wrapper around the wp_mail function, now you can easily send an email from within WP without having to set a header by youself. We also provide some error handling

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0 Favers

## API Versioning We're constantly updating and improving the API, and while we try to ensure backwards compatibility, there's always a chance that we'll introduce a change that affects the way your app works. To get around any problems that this might cause, we recommend that you include the Accept header with every API request that you make. This header enables you to target your request to a particular version of the API. It looks like this in HTTP: ```text Accept: application/vnd.saitowag.api+json;version={version_number} ``` Normally, you set the value of the placeholder to the current version of the API. But if you're troubleshooting your app, and you know that an older version of the API works perfectly, say version 1.0, you'd substitute 1.0 for the placeholder value. The API then handles the request as if it were for version 1.0, and your app goes back to working properly. ### Example of an error with invalid `ACCEPT` header. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `400 Bad Request` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_ACCEPT_HEADER_NOT_VALID", "error_message": "Accept header is not valid or not set." } ] } ``` ### Unexpected Error If an unexpected error occours, a so called Error General will be returned. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `500` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL", "error_message": "An unexpected error has occurred. If this problem persists, please contact our support." } ] } ``` ### Invalid Endpoint Error Any call to a non-existing API endpoint (i.e. wrong route) will return a response with `HTTP status code` `404` and the following response body: ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL_INVALID_ENDPOINT", "error_message": "The requested endpoint does not exist." } ] } ``` Please, note that this error is returned also when a request parameter, part of a valid route, is not well formed. For example, a call to a route that contains a wrong order id (i.e. it does not meet the accepted order id pattern - e.g. 123456789PAC instead of PAC123456789) will return the error just mentioned, as the route is considered as badly formed. In conclusion, please pay special attention to all those routes that have request parameters with specific pattern requirements. ### Shipping Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | Standard `Standard` | | 2 | Self-collection `Selbstabholung` | | 3 | Express morning (truck) `Express-Morgen (LKW)` | | 4 | Express Today (Truck) `Express-Heute (LKW)` | | 5 | Express morning (package forwarding) `Express-Morgen (Packet Spedition)` | | 7 | Express-now | ### Payment Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | SEPA Direct Debit `SEPA-Lastschrift` | | 2 | Prepayment `Vorkasse` | | 3 | Cash on delivery `Nachnahme` | | 4 | PayPal/Credit Card `PayPal/Kreditkarte` | | 5 | open payment method `offene Zahlungsart` | | 7 | Invoice(8 days payment term) `Rechnung(8 Tage Zahlungsziel)` | | 8 | open payment method (SEPA) `offene Zahlungsart (SEPA)` | ## Query String Filters Query String Filters | Operator | Full Name | Description | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | eq | Equal | Used to narrow down the result of a query to some specific value, for specified field. It adds the "**=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=eq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} = 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=eq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=eq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=eq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=eq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=eq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=eq;1` | | neq | Not equal | Used to exclude the value from a query result. It adds the "****" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=neq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=neq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=neq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=neq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=neq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=neq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=neq;1` | | gt | Greater than | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gt;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} > 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gt;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gt;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gt;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gt;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | gte | Greater than or equal | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than or equal to the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gte;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} >= 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gte;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gte;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gte;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gte;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | lt | Less than | Used to reduce fetched values to those less than provided in a query string. It adds the "**

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0 Favers

## API Versioning We're constantly updating and improving the API, and while we try to ensure backwards compatibility, there's always a chance that we'll introduce a change that affects the way your app works. To get around any problems that this might cause, we recommend that you include the Accept header with every API request that you make. This header enables you to target your request to a particular version of the API. It looks like this in HTTP: ```text Accept: application/vnd.saitowag.api+json;version={version_number} ``` Normally, you set the value of the placeholder to the current version of the API. But if you're troubleshooting your app, and you know that an older version of the API works perfectly, say version 1.0, you'd substitute 1.0 for the placeholder value. The API then handles the request as if it were for version 1.0, and your app goes back to working properly. ### Example of an error with invalid `ACCEPT` header. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `400 Bad Request` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_ACCEPT_HEADER_NOT_VALID", "error_message": "Accept header is not valid or not set." } ] } ``` ### Unexpected Error If an unexpected error occours, a so called Error General will be returned. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `500` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL", "error_message": "An unexpected error has occurred. If this problem persists, please contact our support." } ] } ``` ### Invalid Endpoint Error Any call to a non-existing API endpoint (i.e. wrong route) will return a response with `HTTP status code` `404` and the following response body: ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL_INVALID_ENDPOINT", "error_message": "The requested endpoint does not exist." } ] } ``` Please, note that this error is returned also when a request parameter, part of a valid route, is not well formed. For example, a call to a route that contains a wrong order id (i.e. it does not meet the accepted order id pattern - e.g. 123456789PAC instead of PAC123456789) will return the error just mentioned, as the route is considered as badly formed. In conclusion, please pay special attention to all those routes that have request parameters with specific pattern requirements. ### Shipping Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | Standard `Standard` | | 2 | Self-collection `Selbstabholung` | | 3 | Express morning (truck) `Express-Morgen (LKW)` | | 4 | Express Today (Truck) `Express-Heute (LKW)` | | 5 | Express morning (package forwarding) `Express-Morgen (Packet Spedition)` | | 7 | Express-now | ### Payment Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | SEPA Direct Debit `SEPA-Lastschrift` | | 2 | Prepayment `Vorkasse` | | 3 | Cash on delivery `Nachnahme` | | 4 | PayPal/Credit Card `PayPal/Kreditkarte` | | 5 | open payment method `offene Zahlungsart` | | 7 | Invoice(8 days payment term) `Rechnung(8 Tage Zahlungsziel)` | | 8 | open payment method (SEPA) `offene Zahlungsart (SEPA)` | ## Query String Filters Query String Filters | Operator | Full Name | Description | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | eq | Equal | Used to narrow down the result of a query to some specific value, for specified field. It adds the "**=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=eq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} = 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=eq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=eq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=eq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=eq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=eq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=eq;1` | | neq | Not equal | Used to exclude the value from a query result. It adds the "****" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=neq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=neq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=neq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=neq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=neq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=neq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=neq;1` | | gt | Greater than | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gt;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} > 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gt;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gt;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gt;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gt;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | gte | Greater than or equal | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than or equal to the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gte;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} >= 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gte;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gte;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gte;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gte;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | lt | Less than | Used to reduce fetched values to those less than provided in a query string. It adds the "**

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2 Favers

The SDK allows you to receive and send messages through your WhatsApp account. [Sign up now]( The Chat API is based on the WhatsApp WEB protocol and excludes the ban both when using libraries from mgp25 and the like. Despite this, your account can be banned by anti-spam system WhatsApp after several clicking the "block" button.

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0 Favers

# Introduction JTL-FFN is a standardized interface for fulfillment service providers and their customers. Fulfiller can offer their services to merchants and merchants can respectively choose from a wide range of service providers according to their needs. ## The ecosystem The FFN network consists of this REST API, an online portal and third party integrations (JTL-Wawi being one of them). The REST API orchestrates the interactions between the participants and the portal website provides services by JTL (such as managing and certifying warehouses of a fulfiller and merchants searching for their service providers). ## About this API The base url of this api is []( This API (and this documentation) consists of three parts: * Fulfiller API - operations used when acting as a fulfiller in the network. Only users with the role `Fulfiller` can access these endpoints. * Merchant API - operations used when acting as a merchant in the network. Only users with the role `Merchant` can access these endpoints. * Shared API - operations available to all users. Please use the navigation menu at the top to switch between the documentation for the different APIs. # OAuth The FFN-API uses [OAuth2]( with the [Authorization Code Grant]( for its endpoints. Users must have an active [JTL customer center]( account to authorize against the OAuth2 server. Applications and services using the API must acquire client credentials from JTL. ## Application credentials When making calls against the API, you need to do it in the context of an application. You will get the credentials for your application from JTL. Application credentials consist of the following: * `client_id` - uniquely identifies your application * `client_secret` - secret used to authenticate your application * `callback_uri` - the uri the OAuth2 server redirect to on authorization requests ## Requesting authorization When you want to authorize a user you redirect him to `` with the following query string parameters: * `response_type` - Must be set to "code" for the [Authorization Code Grant]( * `redirect_uri` - After the user accepts your authorization request this is the url that will be redirected to. It must match the `callback_uri` in your client credentials. * `client_id` - Your applications identifier from your application credentials. * `scope` - The scopes you wish to authorize (space delimited). * `state` - An opaque value that will be included when redirecting back after the user accepts the authorisation. This is not required, but is important for [security considerations]( After successful authorization by the user, the OAuth2 server will redirect back to your applications callback with the following query string parameters: * `code` - The authorization code. * `state` - The state parameter that was sent in the request. ## Verifying authorization The authorization code you acquired in the last step will now be exchanged for an access token. In order to do this you need to POST a request to ``. >POST > >Authorization: Basic `application_basic_auth`\ >Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > >grant_type=authorization_code&code=`code`&redirect_uri=`redirect_uri` In the Authorization header [Basic HTTP authentication]( is used. Your application credentials `client_id` will be used as the username and your `client_secret` as the password. The header should have the value "Basic" plus the Base64 encoded string comprising of `client_id:client_secret`. The body of the request consist of the form encoded parameters: * `grant_type` - Must be set to "authorization_code". * `code` - The authorization code received from the previous step. * `redirect_uri` - Must match the `callback_uri` in your client credentials. A successful verification request will return a JSON response with the properties: * `token_type` - is always "Bearer" * `expires_in` - the time in seconds until the access token will expire * `access_token` - the access token used for API requests * `refresh_token` - token used to get a new access_token without needing to ask the user again Now the APIs endpoints that need authorization can be called by setting the header >Authorization: Bearer `access_token` ## Refreshing authorization To get a new `access_token` (for example when the old one expired) one can POST a request to ``. >POST > >Authorization: Basic `application_basic_auth`\ >Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > >grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=`refresh_token` The Basic HTTP Authorization works exactly as in the verification step. The body of the request consist of the form encoded parameters: * `grant_type` - Must be set to "refresh_token". * `refresh_token` - The `refresh_token` you acquired during verification. The response will be the same as in the verification step. ## Scopes Scopes allow fine grained control over what actions are allowed for a given application. During login users must approve the requested scopes, so it is often feasible to limit asking for permissions your application really needs. Global scopes for common permission scenarios are the following: * `` - full read access for the fulfiller API * `ffn.fulfiller.write` - full write access for the fulfiller API * `` - full read access for the merchant API * `ffn.merchant.write` - full write access for the merchant API More fine grained scopes can be acquired from each respective endpoints documentation. ## Example ### Prerequsites * JTL Customer center account ( * cUrl ( * FFN portal account (just login here: * FFN portal sandbox account (if you want to test on sandbox: * Oauth Client for authorization and define scopes Values in this example (access_token, refresh_token, code...) are expired and cannot be used verbatim. ### Step 1 - Create an OAuth client Navigate to and create a new OAuth client. (You can´t navigate to Oauth in customer account, you should use this link, or you can change logged in index to oauth) !Templates define what scopes are possible for this client. scopes with access rights: * - full read access for the fulfiller API * ffn.merchant.write - full write access for the fulfiller API * - full read access for the merchant API * ffn.fulfiller.write - full write access for the merchant API More fine grained scopes can be acquired from each respective endpoints documentation. ![Client Scopes](img/oauth//scopesClient1.png) Overview: clients, scopes, client-secret and client-id ![Oauth Clients](img/oauth//ClientSecretScopes1.png) In our example: * client_id: 97170e65-d390-4633-ba46-d6ghef8222de * client_secret: f364ldUw3wGJFGn3JXE2NpGdCvUSMlmK72gsYg1z * redirect_uri: http://localhost:53972/ffn/sso The values for this client should not be used in production and are for testing only. ### Step 2 - User login In this step you will redirect the user to the JTL OAuth website using his default browser. Here the user will provide his username/password and accept the requested scopes. Finally the JTL Oauth website will redirect to the provided redirect_uri and provide the code. Template: authorize specified scopes and get code answer to request the access token ```[redirect_uri]&client_id=[client_id]&scope=[scopes] ``` Note: the scopes should be seperated by spaces or %20 Filled with our example values: ``` ``` * enter password ![Sandbox Login](img/oauth/SandboxLogin.png) * authorize scopes ![Authorize Scopes](img/oauth/authorizeScopes.png) * code answer from server ![Antwort mit Code](img/oauth/answer_with_code.png) Example of the answer from the OAuth server to our redirect_uri: ``` http://localhost:53972/ffn/sso?code=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 ``` Extract the code and note it for next steps. ### Step 3 - Get an access_token from the code Template: get access token + refresh token ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "[client_id]:[client_secret]" --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=[redirect_uri]" --data-urlencode "code=[code]" ``` Filled with our example values: ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "97170e64-d390-4696-ba46-d6fcef8207de:f364ldUw3wIJFGn3JXE2NpGdAvUSMlmK72gsYg1z" --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=http://localhost:49420/oauth" --data-urlencode "code=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" ``` The result will be a JSON answer with the users access_token and refresh_token as well as the expiry in seconds. ``` { "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":1800, "access_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9. eyJhdWQiOiI5NzE3MGU2NC1kMzkwLTQ2OTYtYmE0Ni1kNmZjZWY4MjA3ZGUiLCJqdGkiOiJlOWVhN2Q0MWI1NDIzNTcyYWU0MDEzYjEzMDZiMGRkNWM3YmQ2ZTNjMDNhYTZmNjQ2M2NlMjUzNTc0ZmUyMWE3NGQyNTIyMTJhODQwMmI1ZCIsImlhdCI6MTY2MTI1MzE0OCwibmJmIjoxNjYxMjUzMTQ4LCJleHAiOjE2NjEyNTQ5NDgsInN1YiI6IjQ2MjA5Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZmbi5tZXJjaGFudC5yZWFkIiwiZmZuLm1lcmNoYW50LndyaXRlIl19.eEwY021wR3BWVp-wbAVQrjfqwFbYqLlOV_ca-cb7-O3Kdpi8mkFQBxfI8rzSiV_1WpAINf4ydV9FR9Ty992SMiAqGJ3T9zDHd68oUDePeq7Xfafp-87UboI2mCfGd7518CoKVLqg5ohb4YCqgC7Dz588FofggCQyDZQSM-8raOgcM-pJ1TT7oRuYuDHsOzCOTPcX2YiGYKCc3M6kxlBy_NjrJoLa4qysLRmPkznWwj0caC7a0VJO5KubvECcMb9D7Byr3UNjI7GiGMAufa770V5qCjrWs4gOsRV-Bn7oQydvsL21qqjBKHcssQrlLZWmrcfKqgBKwfRXIx3Mu5HBCmtHjHMnuvPVEZAj6fEfIwjYSeTAHTHApEwbE7J1MPd8MU0K6X2YEUF315fXN5F3rO3ZL5FdTwcM1E-1-PKubLuMAaE6Lw-QsDtBoI4ESylomCmCCfgLV4Vj-in_oCJUmKXAX0tDSa9y9vb6oAExung_BTJCBemffCtkJ55Px7bvi9JXmwvI0pIFo3QzTUtRbFDizCMrPZvsatFx64mXX3IDoVqXr3uzvdetBIJEj2ngVdGRrKGt4Yboae5oFV2d5jdSZBL28pwGjey__ZB4zLR1DodQ0sOqDWJ3WsEjMYXU8_-IGrS8Kkw8Q0R0UqqyVLfcLr-cfH5tYqf2QLqAScY","refresh_token":"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" } ``` ### Step 4 - Test the access_token Using your newly aquired access_token you can test if its working (reminder: the access_token has a limited lifetime and might be expired, in which case we would need to refresh it (see Step 5)). Template: Test communication with access token on sandbox or production (our client is for both systems) ``` curl --location --request GET "" --header "Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" ``` If you cannot retrieve the user data using this endpoint make sure you have logged into our respective portal website (sandbox, production) at least once as this triggers user creation in the system. ### Step 5 - Refresh access_token when it expires Template: Get a new access token + refresh token with the refresh token ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "[client_id]:[client_secret]" --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" --data-urlencode "refresh_token=[refresh_token]" ``` Filled with our example values: ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "97170e64-d390-4696-ba46-d6fcef8207de:f364ldUw3wIJFGn3JXE2NpGdAvUSMlmK72gsYg1z" --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" --data-urlencode "refresh_token=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" ``` The result will be the same format as in step 3. Refresh_tokens are only valid for a single refresh and you will get a new refresh_token every single time that you must persist. ### My token is not working! #### 404 NotFound You need to log into the respective portal website (sandbox-, production- at least once to trigger user creation. #### 403 Forbidden You might be missing scopes in your token and don't have sufficient rights. #### 401 Forbidden Incorrect Oauth method. For example, we do not support the Oauth method authorisation "client_credentials grant". The authorisation method "code grant" with user must be used.

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