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Request mappers, transformers and decorators for Apitte stack

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The Marketing API offers two platforms that sellers can use to promote and advertise their products: Promoted Listings is an eBay ad service that lets sellers set up ad campaigns for the products they want to promote. eBay displays the ads in search results and in other marketing modules as SPONSORED listings. If an item in a Promoted Listings campaign sells, the seller is assessed a Promoted Listings fee, which is a seller-specified percentage applied to the sales price. For complete details, see Promoted Listings. Promotions Manager gives sellers a way to offer discounts on specific items as a way to attract buyers to their inventory. Sellers can set up discounts (such as "20% off" and other types of offers) on specific items or on an entire customer order. To further attract buyers, eBay prominently displays promotion teasers throughout buyer flows. For complete details, see Promotions Manager. Marketing reports, on both the Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager platforms, give sellers information that shows the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. The data gives sellers the ability to review and fine tune their marketing efforts. Important! Sellers must have an active eBay Store subscription, and they must accept the Terms and Conditions before they can make requests to these APIs in the Production environment. There are also site-specific listings requirements and restrictions associated with these marketing tools, as listed in the "requirements and restrictions" sections for Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager. The table below lists all the Marketing API calls grouped by resource.

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Package for flashing data now or later (in next request) for use in any micro/full-stack framework.

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Extented from spatie/laravel-permission, this package help developer to authorize user permission based from URI and request method.

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Data And Reporting product consists of API's which provides details of transaction and invoice informations about shell cards. The Shell Card Transaction and Invoice API is REST-based and employs Basic authentication in Version 1 and Oauth authentication in Version 2 end points. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes. All resources are located in the Shell Card Platform. The Shell Card Platform is the overall platform that encompasses all the internal Shell systems used to manage resources.

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The Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey authentication. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes.All resources are located in the Shell Card Platform. The Shell Card Platform is the overall platform that encompasses all the internal Shell systems used to manage resources. The internal workings of the platform are not important when interacting with the API. However, it is worth noting that the platform uses a microservice architecture to communicate with various backend systems and some API calls are processed asynchronously. All endpoints use the POST verb for retrieving, updating, creating and deleting resources in the Shell Card Platform. The endpoints that retrieve resources from the Shell Card Platform allow flexible search parameters in the API request body.

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The Nodeum API makes it easy to tap into the digital data mesh that runs across your organisation. Make requests to our API endpoints and we’ll give you everything you need to interconnect your business workflows with your storage. All production API requests are made to: http://nodeumhostname/api/ The current production version of the API is v1. **REST** The Nodeum API is a RESTful API. This means that the API is designed to allow you to get, create, update, & delete objects with the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE. **JSON** The Nodeum API speaks exclusively in JSON. This means that you should always set the Content-Type header to application/json to ensure that your requests are properly accepted and processed by the API. **Authentication** All API calls require user-password authentication. **Cross-Origin Resource Sharing** The Nodeum API supports CORS for communicating from Javascript for these endpoints. You will need to specify an Origin URI when creating your application to allow for CORS to be whitelisted for your domain. **Pagination** Some endpoints such as File Listing return a potentially lengthy array of objects. In order to keep the response sizes manageable the API will take advantage of pagination. Pagination is a mechanism for returning a subset of the results for a request and allowing for subsequent requests to “page” through the rest of the results until the end is reached. Paginated endpoints follow a standard interface that accepts two query parameters, limit and offset, and return a payload that follows a standard form. These parameters names and their behavior are borrowed from SQL LIMIT and OFFSET keywords. **Versioning** The Nodeum API is constantly being worked on to add features, make improvements, and fix bugs. This means that you should expect changes to be introduced and documented. However, there are some changes or additions that are considered backwards-compatible and your applications should be flexible enough to handle them. These include: - Adding new endpoints to the API - Adding new attributes to the response of an existing endpoint - Changing the order of attributes of responses (JSON by definition is an object of unordered key/value pairs) **Filter parameters** When browsing a list of items, multiple filter parameters may be applied. Some operators can be added to the value as a prefix: - `=` value is equal. Default operator, may be omitted - `!=` value is different - `>` greater than - `>=` greater than or equal - `=` lower than or equal - `>

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Flexible and lightweight request dispatcher (and emitter) for PHP applications based on PSR-7 and PSR-15 standards

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The Marketing API offers two platforms that sellers can use to promote and advertise their products: Promoted Listings is an eBay ad service that lets sellers set up ad campaigns for the products they want to promote. eBay displays the ads in search results and in other marketing modules as SPONSORED listings. If an item in a Promoted Listings campaign sells, the seller is assessed a Promoted Listings fee, which is a seller-specified percentage applied to the sales price. For complete details, refer to the Promoted Listings playbook.Promotions Manager gives sellers a way to offer discounts on specific items as a way to attract buyers to their inventory. Sellers can set up discounts (such as "20% off" and other types of offers) on specific items or on an entire customer order. To further attract buyers, eBay prominently displays promotion teasers throughout buyer flows. For complete details, see Promotions Manager. Marketing reports, on both the Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager platforms, give sellers information that shows the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. The data gives sellers the ability to review and fine tune their marketing efforts.Store Email Campaign allows sellers to create and send email campaigns to customers who have signed up to receive their newsletter. For more information on email campaigns, see Store Email Campaigns.Important! Sellers must have an active eBay Store subscription, and they must accept the Terms and Conditions before they can make requests to these APIs in the Production environment. There are also site-specific listings requirements and restrictions associated with these marketing tools, as listed in the "requirements and restrictions" sections for Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager. The table below lists all the Marketing API calls grouped by resource.

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Rest API handling for `ha` framework. Package includes routes and controllers by ha framework standards. Currently is supported only JSON body in requests and responses.

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## Introduction This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to integrate and leverage our Product Configurator Service in your applications. ## Quick Start Get up and running in no time! Follow these steps to kickstart your integration: 1. **Authentication:** Obtain your integration JWT to authenticate your requests. 2. **Client Libraries:** Explore our GitHub repositories to grab client libraries in your preferred programming language. 3. **API Overview:** Familiarize yourself with our RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification. ## Integration ### API Overview Our RESTful API is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of Product Configurator. Check out the detailed [API Reference](/docs/category/configurator) for a granular understanding of each endpoint and request/response format. ### Client Libraries To expedite your integration process, we provide client libraries for various programming languages. Find the one that suits your stack in our [GitHub repositories]( ### Authentication Security is paramount. Learn how to authenticate your requests using JWT. This ensures a secure and reliable connection between your application and Product Configurator. ## Configuration Management ### Configurator Lifecycle Understand the lifecycle of configurators, from draft to active and deleted. This flexibility allows you to manage configurations at your own pace. ### Steps and Options Configure product steps with ease and define options effortlessly. Explore the power of dependencies to create dynamic and intuitive configurations. ### Matrices Delve into matrices—your secret weapon. Explore price and weight matrices, and learn how configured steps influence properties and pricing. ### Price Management Unleash dynamic pricing with our versatile price matrices. From fixed prices to incremental structures, adapt to diverse pricing models effortlessly. ## Security Your data is in safe hands. Discover how Product Configurator ensures security through JWT authentication, safeguarding your sensitive information. ## Backward Compatibility Stay ahead of the curve. Learn about our versioning strategy, providing backward compatibility while allowing our service to evolve seamlessly. ## Developer Support Have questions? Need assistance? Write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will get back to you.

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A SAI(Standalone interface) to enable stubbing of curl requests.

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Paragon Processing PlatformThis document is to provide a detailed description of how a developer or software solution provider can integrate with the Paragon Processing Platform (Paragon Platform). The Paragon Platform is for developers who wish to use Paragon's processing services within their software applications. The Paragon Platform can stand alone as a web-based storefront with (or without) attached card readers or may be used in combination with point-of-sale (POS) and order entry applications.The Paragon Platform accepts payments in many forms, including check, credit, debit, gift, loyalty and EBT cards. Payments may be taken online, over the telephone, from a mobile phone and at physical store locations. In addition to handling large volumes of payment transactions, the Paragon Platform manages and settles batches, protects sensitive card information, administers billing contracts and produces operational and analytical reports. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) With our API, software systems and devices communicate with the Paragon Platform by exchanging messages. Client Application formulates a message and transmits the request to the Paragon Platform. The Paragon Platform translates the request and relays it to the Payment Processing Network. The Payment Processing Network processes the request and returns a response to the Paragon Platform. The Paragon Platform translates the response and relays it to the Client Application.The Path to Integration Step 1: Open a Test Account Visit to register for a free test account. Once registered you have instant access to your test account credentials and all the documentation you need to get started. Head over to the library and make sure to check out all of our API's to learn about the Paragon Processing Platform transaction requests and responses.Step 2: Code & CertifyOnce in the Paragon Development portal, begin your certification or have an experienced Paragon integration specialist guide you through the testing process. Once coding and testing are completed submit your request for certification. Our team will then perform a detailed review of your integration to make sure your integration meets all your business requirements for success. Step 3: Go Live!After final review and testing your software solution is ready to begin taking live payments! We know, an integration that is easy sounds too good to be true. Don't take our word for it, start your integration today! Developer NotesInstall your development platform according to its product documentation.Read through all the steps before you get started. We recommend reviewing the rest of this guide to familiarize yourself with the Paragon Processing Platform's terms, capabilities, web services and operations.

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Extension of `spatie/laravel-typescript-transformer` with improvements to work with API Requests and Responses

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Server requests using client-challenges in order to mitigate resource starvation

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