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1 Favers

A package that simplifies the development of the analytic of a laravel system based on the data the system has in database

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189 Favers

Smart Seeder adds the same methology to seeding that is currently used with migrations in order to let you seed in batches, seed to production databases or other environments, and to rerun seeds without wiping out your data.

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6 Favers

PHP Validator is a fast, extensible, and simple PHP validation library that allows you to easily validate various types of data.

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3 Favers

KeyTable allows you to use keyboard navigation on a DataTables enhanced table, like an Excel spreadsheet - a cell shows a focus outline which can be moved using the keyboard or mouse operations. This can be particularly useful in an editable table that uses Editor allowing end users to update data very quickly. This is KeyTable for DataTables

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6 Favers

Crypto APIs is a complex and innovative infrastructure layer that radically simplifies the development of any Blockchain and Crypto related applications. Organized around REST, Crypto APIs 2.0 can assist both novice Bitcoin/Ethereum enthusiasts and crypto experts with the development of their blockchain applications. Crypto APIs 2.0 provides unified endpoints and data, raw data, automatic tokens and coins forwardings, callback functionalities, and much more.

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0 Favers

This is the API documentation for Briqpay. You can find out more about us and our offering at our website []( In order to get credentials to the playgrund API Please register at []( # Introduction Briqpay Checkout is an inline checkout solution for your b2b ecommerce. Briqpay Checkout gives you the flexibility of controlling your payment methods and credit rules while optimizing the UX for your customers # SDKs Briqpay offers standard SDKs to PHP and .NET based on these swagger definitions. You can download them respively or use our swagger defintitions to codegen your own versions. #### For .NET `` Install-Package Briqpay `` #### For PHP `` composer require briqpay/php-sdk `` # Standard use-case As a first step of integration you will need to create a checkout session. \n\nIn this session you provide Briqpay with the basic information necessary. In the response from briqpay you will recieve a htmlsnippet that is to be inserted into your frontend. The snippet provided by briqpay will render an iframe where the user will complete the purchase. Once completed, briqpay will redirect the customer to a confirmation page that you have defined. ![alt]( # JavaScript SDK The first step of integration is to add our JS to your site just before closing the ```` tag. This ensures that our JS library is avaliable to load the checkout. ```` Briqpay offers a few methods avaliable through our Javascript SDK. The library is added by our iframe and is avalable on ``window._briqpay`` If you offer the posibility to update the cart or order amonts on the checkout page, the JS library will help you. If your store charges the customer different costs and fees depening on their shipping location, you can listen to the ``addressupdate``event in order to re-calculate the total cost. ```javascript window._briqpay.subscribe('addressupdate', function (data) { console.log(data) }) ``` If your frontend needs to perform an action whe the signup has completed, listen to the ``signup_finalized`` event. ```javascript window._briqpay.subscribe('signup_finalized', function (status) { // redirect or handle status 'success' / 'failure' }) ``` If you allow customers to change the total cart value, you can utilise the JS library to suspend the iframe while you perform a backen update call towards our services. As described below: ![alt]( The iframe will auto-resume after 7 seconds if you dont call ``_briqpay.resume()`` before # Test Data In order to verify your integration you will neeed to use test data towards our credit engine. ## Company identication numbers * 1111111111 - To recieve a high credit scoring company ( 100 in rating) * 2222222222 - To test the enviournment with a bad credit scoring company (10 in rating) ## Card details In our playground setup your account is by default setup with a Stripe integration. In order to test out the card form you can use the below card numbers: * 4000002500003155 - To mock 3ds authentication window * 4000000000000069 Charge is declined with an expired_card code. You can use any valid expiry and CVC code # Authentication Briqpay utilizes JWT in order to authenticate calls to our platform. Authentication tokens expire after 48 hours, and at that point you can generate a new token for the given resource using the ``/auth`` endpoint. - Basic Auth - only used on the auth endpoint in order to get the Bearer Token - JWT Bearer Token - All calls towards the API utlizes this method"

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47 Favers

A component that allows creating responsive HTML tables or lists from data object

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66 Favers

A component that allows creating forms with two-way binding from data object with default HTML fields and custom, like multi-block or AJAX-select.

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2 Favers

Laravel AutoTranslate is a package that automates the process of collecting translation keys throughout your Laravel project and organizing them into the appropriate translation files. This tool simplifies multilingual development by ensuring that all translation keys are efficiently managed and up-to-date.

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30 Favers

A laravel package that provides sentiment analysis capabilities using OpenAI's GPT to easily analyze text-based data and gain insight into the underlying sentiment.

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0 Favers

A generic api endpoint that may be used to get objects from any source of data

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138 Favers

The goal of the Open Affiliate Report Aggregator (OARA) is to develop a set of PHP classes that can download affiliate reports from a number of affiliate networks, and store the data in a common format.

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45 Favers

The standalone PHP Browscap parser Crossjoin\Browscap detects browser properties as well as device information based on the user agent string of the requesting browsers and search engines, using the data from the Browser Capabilities Project. It's several hundred times faster than the build-in PHP function get_browser(), and faster than other Browscap PHP libraries, with much lower memory consumption. Optionally Crossjoin\Browscap automatically updates the Browscap data, so you're always up-to-date. The newest version is build for PHP 7.x, for PHP >= 5.6 use version 2.x, for PHP >= 5.3 use version 1.x.

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3 Favers

Data combinator is a PHP library that combines data.

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20 Favers

A package to convert JSON data that Editor.js generates back to html so it can be used.

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