Libraries tagged by be_users


1 Favers

A version 2.0 update to the Kobo Link package, intended to be easier to setup and more flexible by allowing the user to choose between multiple ODK Aggregate services.

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0 Favers

Extension for Nette Framework: set presenters names to secure and they will be secured via http authentification. IAuthenticator service is used for validating user credentials.

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10 Favers

REST and CLI API for adding, updating, and deleting records in TYPO3. Tracks relations so records can be inserted in any order. Uses remote ID mapping so you don't have to keep track of what UID a record has gotten after import. Data is inserted using backend APIs as if a real human did it, so you can can inspect the record history and undo actions.

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13 Favers

Uses the modern browser loading="lazy" attribute on images added via page builder. Can be turned on and off per image as needed.

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0 Favers

Regenerate coupon uses via command line so coupons cannot be used twice.

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0 Favers

Move group badges to be inline with usernames.

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33 Favers

Implements a BigPipe option to Magento, so a block can be marked as BigPipe an will be rendered after the first flush appeared. Facebook uses that technique to avoid a blocking of the loading process by some slower components.

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8 Favers

PHP dump logger uses Symfony's var-dumper to create a simple, easy to use, eye-friendly, and pretty log files for any PHP application. It can be used either standalone, with Laravel, Symfony, yii2, and other PHP frameworks

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1 Favers

Soap client, that will be able to authenticate using X509 authentication ( or username/password authentication mechanism to Workday Web Services.

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5 Favers

With the mpdf-template extension, a saved pdf file can be activated as a layout template for PDF output. Uses the mPDF library.

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0 Favers

Plugin enables a full fledged oauth server generating access and refresh tokens. Authentication can be provided as username/password or via third party Oauth providers.

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5 Favers

Magical (as in saves manual work quite a lot) Cache Decorator for Laravel 5. Designed for usage with repositories but easily usable for other uses. If there's enough interest, can be made framework agnostic.

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0 Favers

This is a "swagger" definition of application programming interface of the Benefit Plus e-commerce payment gateway 3. You may leverage this API from your e-shop to integrate payments by employee-benefits-programme funds. This version of the programme uses mobile payment application Benefit Plus Pay. RFC version - this is a conceptual document intended for reviewing by the Benefit Plus partnering merchants and for integration planning. Requests signingAll requests except /auth/token must be signed by "SHA-256 with RSA" (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RFC 8017 chapter 8.2) electronic signatures. See online gateway documentation for details.

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0 Favers

### 1. **Module Overview:** - **Name:** Brand Inventory Manager - **Purpose:** The module dynamically lists all the brands that have products currently in stock on the website, allowing customers to view and browse products by brand. This list updates automatically based on the store's inventory. ### 2. **Key Features:** - **Dynamic Brand Listing:** - The module generates a list of brands that have at least one product in stock. - The list is updated in real-time based on changes in inventory levels (e.g., if a brand's products go out of stock, that brand is removed from the list). - **Filter by Inventory:** - Customers can filter the brand list by product availability, ensuring they only see brands with products they can purchase immediately. - **Brand Page:** - Each brand name in the list is clickable, leading to a dedicated brand page. - The brand page displays all in-stock products for that brand, with options for sorting, filtering, and searching within the brand's catalog. - **SEO-Friendly URLs:** - The module creates SEO-friendly URLs for each brand page, enhancing visibility on search engines. - **Inventory-Based Brand Widget:** - A widget can be placed on various parts of the website (e.g., homepage, sidebar, footer) that highlights popular or new brands with available stock. - **Admin Configuration:** - The admin can configure how brands are displayed (e.g., sorting by popularity, alphabetical order, etc.). - Options to include or exclude specific brands regardless of inventory (e.g., always show premium brands). - **Caching Mechanism:** - To ensure performance, the module uses caching to store brand lists, refreshing only when inventory changes occur. ### 3. **Integration with Other Features:** - **Product Pages:** On each product page, the brand name is linked to the corresponding brand page. - **Search Functionality:** When customers search for a brand name, the search results include the brand page and all relevant products. ### 4. **Customizable Design:** - The module’s front-end is fully customizable, allowing the store’s design team to style the brand listing and pages in line with the overall website design. ### 5. **Reporting and Analytics:** - The module provides reports on brand performance, showing metrics such as which brands are viewed most frequently, which have the highest sales, etc. ### 6. **Multi-Store Support:** - For stores with multiple websites or store views, the module supports configuration per store view, allowing different brands to be highlighted in different regions or languages. This Magento module would be particularly useful for e-commerce stores with diverse product offerings across many brands, ensuring that customers have an efficient way to find and purchase products by their favorite brands.has context menu

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5 Favers

A lightweight, expressive database query builder for WordPress which can be referred to as a Database Abstraction Layer. WP Fluent uses the same **wpdb** instance and takes care of query sanitization, table prefixing and many other things with a unified API.

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