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1 Favers

The Browse API has the following resources: item_summary: Lets shoppers search for specific items by keyword, GTIN, category, charity, product, or item aspects and refine the results by using filters.  (Experimental) search_by_image: Lets shoppers search for specific items by image. You can refine the results by using URI parameters and filters. item: Lets you retrieve the details of a specific item or all the items in an item group, which is an item with variations such as color and size. This resource also provides a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as Trading and Finding, and the RESTful APIs, such as Browse, which use different formats for the item IDs. You can use the Browse API to retrieve the basic details of the item and the RESTful item ID using a legacy item ID.  (Experimental) shopping_cart: Provides the ability for eBay members to see the contents of their eBay cart, and add, remove, and change the quantity of items in their eBay cart.  *Note:* This resource is not available in the eBay API Explorer. The item_summary, search_by_image, and item resource calls require an Application access token. The shopping_cart resource calls require a User access token.

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0 Favers

Note: This is the specification of the DPDHL Group Parcel DE Shipping API for Post & Parcel Germany. This REST web service allows business customers to create shipping labels on demand.

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0 Favers

This API describes how API client can obtain a token which is used to access various Parcel Germany APIs. Using this API is often the first step in making your API call. Preconditions You will need: * client ID (aka "API Key", obtained when you create an app in * client secret (obtained when you create an app in * GKP user name (obtained when setting up your business account with Parcel Germany) * GKP password (obtained when setting up your business account with Parcel Germany) Technical Information This uses an implementation of OAuth2 Password Grant (RFC 6749). After successfull usage you will: * have an opaque access token to be used for API calls afterwards * this token will have an expiration time

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5 Favers

This package extends Laravel Cache driver to integrate with MemcachedCloud. MemcachedCloud provides different cache solutions based on memcached or redis. This package only deals with memcached.

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0 Favers

This is the base library for providing SMS support in your Yii2 application. You can make your own plugins for SMS providers off this base package. It is not to be directly used.

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6 Favers

This is an extension of Tharos/LeanMapper ORM. This extension contains mapper specification and a Query object including its usage in a repository

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5 Favers

This package provides the ability to create custom attributes for Laravel controllers. You can use these attributes to add functionality like authorization, validation, or any other custom behavior to your controller methods.

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0 Favers

**Send emails fast and with confidence through our easy to use [REST]( API interface.** # Overview This is the API interface to the [Mail Baby](https// Mail services provided by [InterServer]( To use this service you must have an account with us at []( # Authentication In order to use most of the API calls you must pass credentials from the []( site. We support several different authentication methods but the preferred method is to use the **API Key** which you can get from the [Account Security]( page.

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0 Favers

This is a php based js script file bundling composer package. Including this package into php project will allow the javascript files to be delivered to client as a bundle or individually

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5 Favers

This Extension adds the possibility of scheduling meetings with multiple people to your topics. Use this for finding the right date for a meeting very easy or for getting feedback on availability of users on certain dates.

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6 Favers

This tool compares the original image to a recompressed version. This can make manipulated regions stand out in various ways. For example they can be darker or brighter than similar regions which have not been manipulated.

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6 Favers

This module provides a mechanism that requires users to verify their email address before they can log on to the CMS. This works with custom registration forms and the forum. Option for accounts to require manual moderation before they can log on.

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4 Favers

This module provides prices for customers individually. If you want to add product prices for customers you can use this module.

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0 Favers

Package php to extends google/cloud-pubsub, this component is used to publish a new message in pub / sub and other tools than the basic component, this one allow to go further with Pub / Sub tool.

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8 Favers

Breadcrumbs in an uncomplicated way. This component facilitates the way to create breadcrumbs for your website, to favor a more accessible navigation. It was designed to work very well with the Bootstrap Framework. Besides being very easy to use, it has very interesting possibilities, such as adding new separators and new CSS classes to style this interface component to your liking. The Breadcrumb Component also allows you to have access to the Array assembled to feed into other features of your system, such as a microformat, for example.

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