PHP code example of celsomtrindade / router

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download celsomtrindade/router library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


celsomtrindade / router example snippets

// Require composer autoloader
uter = new \Bramus\Router\Router();

// Define routes
// ...

// Run it!

$router->match('GET|POST', 'pattern', function() { … });

$router->get('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });
$router->post('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });
$router->put('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });
$router->delete('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });
$router->options('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });
$router->patch('pattern', function() { /* ... */ });

$router->all('pattern', function() { … });

// This route handling function will only be executed when visiting http(s)://
$router->get('/about', function() {
    echo 'About Page Contents';

// Bad
$router->get('/hello/\w+', function($name) {
    echo 'Hello ' . htmlentities($name);

// Good
$router->get('/hello/(\w+)', function($name) {
    echo 'Hello ' . htmlentities($name);

$router->get('/movies/(\d+)/photos/(\d+)', function($movieId, $photoId) {
    echo 'Movie #' . $movieId . ', photo #' . $photoId;

$router->get('/movies/{movieId}/photos/{photoId}', function($movieId, $photoId) {
    echo 'Movie #' . $movieId . ', photo #' . $photoId;

$router->get('/movies/{foo}/photos/{bar}', function($movieId, $photoId) {
    echo 'Movie #' . $movieId . ', photo #' . $photoId;

    function($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $slug = null) {
        if (!$year) { echo 'Blog overview'; return; }
        if (!$month) { echo 'Blog year overview'; return; }
        if (!$day) { echo 'Blog month overview'; return; }
        if (!$slug) { echo 'Blog day overview'; return; }
        echo 'Blogpost ' . htmlentities($slug) . ' detail';

$router->get('/blog(/\d+(/\d+(/\d+(/[a-z0-9_-]+)?)?)?)?', function($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $slug = null) {
    // ...

$router->get('/blog(/\d{4}(/\d{2}(/\d{2}(/[a-z0-9_-]+)?)?)?)?', function($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $slug = null) {
    // ...

$router->mount('/movies', function() use ($router) {

    // will result in '/movies/'
    $router->get('/', function() {
        echo 'movies overview';

    // will result in '/movies/id'
    $router->get('/(\d+)', function($id) {
        echo 'movie id ' . htmlentities($id);


$router->get('/(\d+)', '\App\Controllers\User@showProfile');

$router->get('/users/(\d+)', 'User@showProfile');
$router->get('/cars/(\d+)', 'Car@showProfile');

$router->set404(function() {
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
    // ... do something special here

$router->set404('/api(/.*)?', function() {
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
    header('Content-Type: application/json');

    $jsonArray = array();
    $jsonArray['status'] = "404";
    $jsonArray['status_text'] = "route not defined";

    echo json_encode($jsonArray);


$router->get('/([a-z0-9-]+)', function($id) use ($router) {
    if (!Posts::exists($id)) {

    // …

$router->before('GET|POST', '/admin/.*', function() {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
        header('location: /auth/login');

$router->before('GET', '/.*', function() {
    // ... this will always be executed

$router->run(function() { … });

$router->get('/', function() { echo 'Index'; });
$router->get('/hello', function() { echo 'Hello!'; });

// Override auto base path detection

$router->get('/', function() { echo 'Index'; });
$router->get('/hello', function() { echo 'Hello!'; });


$tpl = new \Acme\Template\Template();

$router->get('/', function() use ($tpl) {
        'name' => 'Bramus!'

$router->run(function() use ($tpl) {

$router->put('/movies/(\d+)', function($id) {

    // Fake $_PUT
    $_PUT  = array();
    parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $_PUT);

    // ...
