PHP code example of bunny / bunny

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bunny/bunny library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bunny / bunny example snippets

$connection = [
    'host'      => 'HOSTNAME',
    'vhost'     => 'VHOST',    // The default vhost is /
    'user'      => 'USERNAME', // The default user is guest
    'password'  => 'PASSWORD', // The default password is guest

$bunny = new Client($connection);

$connection = [
    'host'      => 'HOSTNAME',
    'vhost'     => 'VHOST',    // The default vhost is /
    'user'      => 'USERNAME', // The default user is guest
    'password'  => 'PASSWORD', // The default password is guest
    'ssl'       => [
        'cafile'      => 'ca.pem',
        'local_cert'  => 'client.cert',
        'local_pk'    => 'client.key',

$bunny = new Client($connection);

$channel = $bunny->channel();
$channel->queueDeclare('queue_name'); // Queue name

$channel = $bunny->channel();
$channel->queueDeclare('queue_name', false, true); // Queue name

    $message,    // The message you're publishing as a string
    [],          // Any headers you want to add to the message
    '',          // Exchange name
    'queue_name' // Routing key, in this example the queue's name

    function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Client $bunny) {
        $success = handleMessage($message); // Handle your message here

        if ($success) {
            $channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message

        $channel->nack($message); // Mark message fail, message will be redelivered

    function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Client $client){
        $channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message
$bunny->run(12); // Client runs for 12 seconds and then stops

$message = $channel->get('queue_name');

// Handle message

$channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message

    0, // Prefetch size
    5  // Prefetch count

(new Async\Client($eventLoop, $options))->connect()->then(function (Async\Client $client) {
   return $client->channel();
})->then(function (Channel $channel) {
   return $channel->qos(0, 5)->then(function () use ($channel) {
       return $channel;
})->then(function (Channel $channel) use ($event) {
       function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Async\Client $client) use ($event) {
           // Handle message

$ php benchmark/producer.php N & php benchmark/consumer.php
  $ php ./spec/generate.php